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2020 in Review: 10 Best Procurement Resources of the Year

2020, we aren't sad to see you coming to an end.  

But as we look back on what we’ve seen from public procurement this year – the survey results, podcast interviews, and thousands of supplier reviews – we do not have to look far to find the good:  
  • State and local governments turning over every stone to get PPE for their communities  
  • Creative supplier product offerings and distribution strategies to let them be where they needed to be, when they needed to be there 
  • A renewed sense of purpose that only interesting, frustrating, all-consuming challenges can provide 

With that in mind, we’ve collected the top ten posts shared on the Procurated blog this year. Revisit your favorites, or read for the first time if you missed one along the way:  

1. Podcast: Finding a Mentor & Building a Career in Procurement with Jenn Myers 

Building a career in any profession takes a lot of hard work, and public procurement is no exception.  

This episode of Decisions That Matter features the career journey of Jenn Meyers, recipient of NIGP's 2020 Young Professional of the Year Award and current Procurement Manager at the City of Tucson. Jenn shares several lessons that helped her navigate her career path, with topics ranging from mentorship to public speaking. 

2. Blog: 4 Steps to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in Pennsylvania's State Government 

Learning from others' experiences enables us to make more efficient decisions and increases the likelihood of success.  

Procurated Founder and CEO, David Yarkin, had the opportunity to “sit down” for a virtual interview with Curt Topper, Secretary of the Department of General Services (DGS) in Pennsylvania. Over the course of the hour-long conversation, Curt walked through the actionable steps DGS has taken to improve diversity and inclusion within the procurement department’s people strategy as well as their state contracts. We deliver the biggest takeaways on our blog.  

3. Podcast: Merging Technology & Procurement with Becca Moran 

On this episode of Decisions That Matter, Procurated's Senior Director of Product Becca Moran discusses the trajectory of Procurated's rating and reviews platform. She shares insights from the original launch of the site in Pennsylvania in 2019, as well as about the expansion of her engineering and design team and growing a national audience. 

4. Survey Results/Podcast: Fall 2020 Procurement Trends Survey Results 

Back in October we released the results of the Fall 2020 Procurement Trends Survey, with answers from leaders across public procurement (read: YOU) about the biggest procurement trends and challenges impacting the industry.  

Tune into the podcast episode, “The Technology and Policies Shaping the End of 2020,” to get the full breakdown of the key differences between the Summer and Fall surveys and what that means for the current state of procurement. 

5. Blog: How Peer Reviews Can Help Solve These Two Common Procurement Challenges 

Bad experiences with suppliers. We’ve all had ‘em, right?  According to a 2019 survey, the answer is a resounding “Yes.” 68% of government procurement officials reported having a bad experience with a supplier within the past year. And that number went up to 95% in a five-year time span.   

This blog post dives into two real-world examples of common procurement challenges — subcontractor performance and misleading product information — and the essential role peer reviews play in making informed supplier decisions. 

6. Podcast: Creating Procurement Hurdles, Not Roadblocks with Stacy Gregg 

Here at Procurated, our tagline is Every Decision Matters. Because when you are choosing how to spend taxpayer dollars, every decision truly does matter. As does upholding proper process and ethics that get you there. 

Stacy Gregg of the University of South Carolina shares three procurement challenges from her career in K-12 and higher ed, and how she built partnerships with internal stakeholders to create the most efficient solution...without sacrificing process or ethics. 

7. Blog: 5 Considerations to Make Besides Price in a Best Value Procurement 

As procurements become more complex, Best Value Procurement contracting has become increasingly popular amongst state, local, and educational organizations. 

To best award these RFPs, procurement professionals need a reliable and accessible way to evaluate suppliers on non-price considerations such as niche expertise, durability, sustainability, and more. Peer reviews add credibility to the research process, allowing you to invite the most qualified suppliers to bid.  

In this post, we’ve gathered real supplier reviews that reflect key considerations other than price. What non-price factors are important to your government? 

8. Podcast: The Differences Between Higher Ed and State & Local Gov't Procurement, with Judy Smith 

For purchasers in K-12 and higher education — there are no easy decisions right now. Whether your school is in person, virtual, or a hybrid of the two, we know you are doing everything you can to protect student and staff's safety and ability to learn. 

On this episode of Decisions That Matter we are joined by Judy Smith, who is currently the Director of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Judy's experience in both healthcare and higher education give her a unique perspective on the challenges facing colleges and universities right now. On this podcast episode, Judy also shares advice for for up-and-coming procurement leaders to help them learn and grow in a positive way. 

9. Blog/Podcast: 7 Tips for Creating a Disaster Preparedness Kit with Tim Hay 

For any disaster (natural, economic, or the like) 90% of success is due to preparation. On this episode of Decisions That Matter, Oregon's Tim Hay shares 7 Tips for Creating a Disaster Preparedness Toolkit, inspired by his team's experience building an award-winning toolkit of their own following the Great Coastal Gale of 2007. 

10. Blog: 5 Reasons to be Thankful for your Suppliers in 2020 

While this post was written in honor of Thanksgiving, gratitude doesn't stop when the turkey is cleared from the table! This time of year is a great time to reflect on the suppliers you’ve worked with this year. These 5 Procurated reviewers share their thanks for suppliers who stepped up and supported their agency in 2020. 

Thank you all for learning and growing with us this year.  

We look forward to even more great interviews, learning opportunities, and growing experiences in 2021. Have a safe and happy new year! 

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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

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