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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

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4 Reasons to Review a Supplier on Procurated, as Told by Real Procurated Users

Public purchasers come to Procurated for a variety of reasons. Some, to source highly-rated suppliers that have experience working in the public sector. Others, to evaluate bid applicants by reading peer reviews about specific goods and services. Still others to direct message reviewers or compare cooperative purchasing contracts.  
Over the last few weeks, the Procurated team has touched base with several users to learn more about why they contribute supplier reviews. We’ve summarized the most popular responses to help you get inspired for your next supplier review:  

1. To support a small, local, or minority-owned business and help them win more business 

We hear this a lot from Procurated users. When they leave a positive review for a historically underutilized business, they hope their feedback will convince other buyers to do business with the vendor, too.  
In the context of public procurement, this makes a lot of sense. A challenge for many of these businesses is demonstrating a proven track record in the public sector. Reading a positive review on Procurated – where every user is a verified public sector employee – decreases the risk associated with selecting small, local, or minority-owned businesses with less name recognition   
The data backs this notion up, too:  
  • 93% of customers will read reviews of local businesses to determine its quality. (BrightLocal
  • 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review (G2 and Heinz Marketing
  • When a product gets five reviews, the likelihood of it being purchased increases by 270%. (Spiegel
If your agency has had a positive experience working with a small, local, or minority-owned supplier, consider taking 2 minutes to write a review to support their business. 

2. Help other buyers avoid a poor supplier experience 

Bad supplier experiences – we’ve all had them. Like any consumer experience, there’s a range: a supplier with consistently late deliveries: a general contractor who lacks experience building bridges; criminal activity that lands a major transportation project on the front page. Sharing constructive feedback enables other buyers to learn from your past experiences.  
Suppliers have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The aforementioned general contractor may have a great track record building parks and other outdoor facilities. But if another buyer is considering them for a bridge or other elevated surface, your review will give them critical information to factor into their decision.     
If you have any sub-par suppliers in your portfolio, write a review so other buyers can learn from your experiences.  

3. Paying forward the helpful information uncovered by reading peer reviews 

For many Procurated users, they first come to the site to search for and read reviews of suppliers they are considering for an upcoming bid. Then, they decide to pay it forward. 
“[Our agency] uses Procurated in our vendor vetting process where we read reviews to assist us in making informed decisions on vendor approvals,” one Procurated user shared. “I hope that providing feedback can help others make informed decisions, too.”  
Procurated is fueled by the feedback shared by its users. We’re in this together. By contributing their own reviews, this buyer is helping create a thriving Procurated community that they will tap into for years to come.  You can, too. 

4. Keep a record of my supplier experiences for current and future colleagues 

We’ve heard from numerous Procurated users – especially those nearing retirement or in the midst of changing positions – that writing a supplier review on Procurated is a great way for them to document their supplier experiences for current and future colleagues.  
Over the course of a decades-long career, a purchaser has worked with hundreds of suppliers. Rather than keeping all of that knowledge of past performance in your head, submitting a review allows that knowledge to be documented in a centralized place.   

Ready to review a supplier?  

No matter your motivation, sharing supplier feedback increases transparency in public procurement and helps your fellow buyers make more informed decisions. If you work with suppliers, consider taking two minutes to contribute a review by visiting procurated.com/review.  

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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!