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Creating a Centralized Procurement Division with TDOT's Chris Yarbrough
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This episode features an interview with Chris Yarbrough from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). Chris shares several actionable pieces of advice from his years in procurement about how to effectively create a new, centralized procurement division from scratch, and how to excel by being agile when the plan has to change due to unforeseen events like the 2020 pandemic.
This episode features an interview with Chris Yarbrough from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). Chris shares several actionable pieces of advice from his years in procurement about how to effectively create a new, centralized procurement division from scratch, and how to excel by being agile when the plan has to change due to unforeseen events like the 2020 pandemic.
Decisions That Matter is brought to you by Procurated. For a limited time, Procurated will donate $5 to NIGP's Membership Scholarship for every supplier review that our listeners write on Procurated.com, so visit the site today and share your experiences working with local suppliers to help fund NIGP memberships for at-risk members.
Published on Jul 30, 2021