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Ep. 62 - Live Education Purchasing Panel with Michigan Dept. of Edu. and Purdue University
Procurated's Genna Gold is joined on this live webinar recording by several highly respected education purchasers, including:
- Jayme Baker, Manager, Category Management, Purdue University
- Carol Munroe, Business Analyst, Michigan Department of Education
- Kevin Walters, Supervisor, Office of School Support Services, Michigan Department of Education
The webinar covers a variety of important topics specific to the education market including the unique buying cycles of higher education and K-12, trending goods and services, and more.
This podcast is brought to you by Procurated, the first supplier evaluation and vendor management platform created exclusively for public sector purchasers. If you have a supplier that you love, or one that you want to warn other purchases about, you can write a review in 90 seconds at www.Procurated.com/review.
Published on May 27, 2022