
Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!

New Product Feature: Request a Review

Over the last several months, we have gathered ratings and reviews about specific suppliers from you and your peers across the procurement community. You can now search reviews for thousands of suppliers in hundreds of product and service categories. We have also rolled out a new product feature, the Request Review button, to help you get information about suppliers that may not be reviewed on the Procurated platform yet.

To request a review to learn more about a supplier you can: 

  1. Search for a specific supplier you would like to learn more about by looking up the company name on the supplier search page, or search by the product and service categories you need, like the popular selections below. 
  2. Select the appropriate supplier from the search results page. If you don't see the supplier you are looking for in the search results, you can click the blue "Add Supplier" button in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Click on the "Request Review" button in the upper right corner of the supplier's profile page if you would like more information beyond what is already provided.
  4. We will reach out to your peers in the procurement community to gather more ratings and reviews about the supplier you have requested. 
  5. We will notify you as soon as new ratings and reviews for the supplier are added to Procurated.


Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!