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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

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Podcast: Achieving Transformation in Government the Right Way

On this episode, Procurated's founder and CEO, David Yarkin, sits down with Lourdes Coss, the former Chief Procurement Officer of the City of Houston and Cook County, IL. Both David and Lourdes have dedicated their careers to public procurement, and this great conversation shines a light on how you can learn from their journeys and make lasting change in state and local government.

Lourdes' podcast, Transforming Procurement with Lourdes Coss, can be found on Apple, Spotify, and other popular podcast sites. 

Decisions That Matter is brought to you by Procurated. For a limited time, Procurated will donate $5 to NIGP's Membership Scholarship for every supplier review that our listeners write on Procurated.com, so visit the site today and share your experiences working with local suppliers. 

Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!