
Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!

Procurated Community Guidelines

Procurated is facilitating the spread of information and communication across the procurement community through supplier ratings and reviews. Your reviews will help guide your peers in their decisions to choose the best suppliers. To ensure that everyone in the Procurated community has a positive experience, we rely on adherence to our guidelines. We value our users who write and read reviews, suppliers who rely on user feedback, and our internal team who works hard to build and improve the user experience with Procurated. We hold ourselves and our community to the following standards: 

1. Integrity - C.S. Lewis said, "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching."  We live by this ethos. Sharing feedback online means that you’re sharing a piece of your day-to-day that you might have otherwise kept private. We understand the nature of your roles (we sat in them as former procurement professionals!) and want to thank you for giving voice to your experiences by writing reviews that you would appreciate from others.

2. Honesty - We’ll always be honest with you about how your reviews will be used and we will not edit the content that you write in your reviews. Your review should be accurate and speak to your experience with the supplier for whom you are providing feedback. We trust that you will share candid feedback -- the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The goal is to provide honest feedback to help your peers make the best possible decisions, and if you didn’t work directly with a supplier, but your colleague did, please ask them to provide a review. Note that we reserve the right to remove any review or comment that violates our terms and conditions.

3. Transparency - We know how important it is to be transparent and fair. We will work to make sure that all reviews are seen and ring at equal volume and frequency on our platform. The public puts its trust in procurement officials to ensure integrity in the procurement process. And when procurement officials rely on Procurated, we take the need to ensure fairness as a solemn obligation.

4. Respect - We respect the time that you have invested in our community and want to make sure that you feel welcome to both read and write reviews. It goes without saying, but please be sure to communicate with others in the way you would want to be spoken to. Be respectful of other opinions and the work that everyone in the Procurated community has done to make it a vibrant and collaborative environment.

5. Creativity - We’re a startup built by procurement for procurement -- and we want to solve problems to make the community better. Please reach out to us at greatidea@procurated.com with ideas and thoughts on how we might improve, adjust, or expand to make our offerings more applicable to you. While we have been procurement professionals we haven’t worn your shoes to work -- so always feel free to reach out! 


Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!