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This week, Angelic Davis joins the show from Mt. San Antonio College in California where she is the Director of Purchasing, Printing and Mail Services, Fiscal Services Department. Angelic shares details about her journey through public procurement, her experience standing up COVID-19 testing in her first days on a new job, and the importance of building a trustworthy network of procurement peers.
This week, Angelic Davis joins the show from Mt. San Antonio College in California where she is the Director of Purchasing, Printing and Mail Services, Fiscal Services Department. Angelic shares details about her journey through public procurement, her experience standing up COVID-19 testing in her first days on a new job, and the importance of building a trustworthy network of procurement peers.
This podcast is brought to you by Procurated, the first supplier evaluation and vendor management platform created exclusively for public sector purchasers. If you have a supplier that you love, or one that you want to warn other purchases about about, you can write a review in 90 seconds at www.Procurated.com/review.
Published on Dec 08, 2021