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Transitioning to a Green Fleet w/ Mark Stevens & Alison Kerstetter of the City of Sacramento
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This episode of Decisions that Matter, a Procurated podcast, features an incredibly insightful discussion about transitioning to a green fleet with Mark Stevens and Alison Kerstetter from the City of Sacramento in California. Together, they discuss how Sacramento’s sustainability policy has impacted the city’s push for a green fleet, how they get buy-in from local agencies, how they standardize and build an infrastructure to support green fleet, and finally, how they take full advantage of the cooperative purchasing options at the state and national level.
This episode of Decisions that Matter, a Procurated podcast, features an incredibly insightful discussion about transitioning to a green fleet with Mark Stevens and Alison Kerstetter from the City of Sacramento in California. Together, they discuss how Sacramento’s sustainability policy has impacted the city’s push for a green fleet, how they get buy-in from local agencies, how they standardize and build an infrastructure to support green fleet, and finally, how they take full advantage of the cooperative purchasing options at the state and national level.
Published on Aug 09, 2021