
Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!

Trust in Procurated

We built Procurated to give governmental and educational purchasers a resource where they could get candid, unfiltered feedback about suppliers from their colleagues across the country. Trust is essential to making the Procurated platform work. We know the stakes are high when you're a steward of taxpayer dollars. But what does that mean to say you can trust our platform?  

First and foremost, it means that no one can influence the reviews and ratings. We give purchasers a safe place where they can talk candidly about their experiences with suppliers. Here, they “tell it like it is.” Obviously, if the review is full of curse words or has other inappropriate content, we’d take it down. But short of that, we know that readers want to know the good, the bad and the ugly and we let the reviews speak for themselves. And we feel confident in doing that because every review writer has been verified as a legitimate governmental or educational employee. Not only can you trust us, you can trust yourselves. 

Second, it means that no one can influence our ranking or search algorithms. If you are a user trying to find a critical cleaning supplies company or IT services provider, you can count on us to surface only the right suppliers when you search. Our data and engineering teams are always trying to improve the search process so you get the most relevant results as effortlessly as possible. And while our internal processes will change (just like Google’s do), they will never be influenced by any external party. 

Procurated is an incredibly powerful resource for public sector purchasers at an incredibly low price – free! We decided on the first day that we didn’t want to create any obstacle to make it difficult for our friends in public procurement to write or read reviews about suppliers. Instead, we decided to give the supplier community an opportunity to engage with buyers on the site.  What does that mean? 

First, when you log in to Procurated, you may see an ad on the website, maybe when you are doing a search or on your home page. We know that you are accustomed to seeing ads as you navigate the web, so this should feel familiar to you. To ensure transparency, we've designed our interface to ensure you can clearly distinguish any ads from the rest of the content on our platform. We encourage our advertisers to share information that would be useful to buyers, so we hope that when you click on their ads, you learn something that helps you make a better purchasing decision. 

Second, we will soon allow suppliers to improve their profile page. Clicking on the name of a supplier during search will take you to their profile page where you can read reviews. For suppliers who upgrade to a premium profile, they will also be able to share video testimonials, white papers and case studies which allow them to put their best foot forward but hopefully also give you even more information to make better purchasing decisions. 

We appreciate the suppliers who elect to advertise on the Procurated platform, for it is their financial support that allows us to bring this incredibly powerful tool to you for free. We know that they believe as we do that Procurated gives them a unique opportunity to engage with public sector buyers.  

But I want to be 100% clear that supplier ratings, reviews and search rankings are not – and never will be – influenced by whether a supplier advertises with us or not. Allowing that influence would be undermine our reason for being – to give public purchasers peer reviews they can trust. 

Sign up for Procurated

Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.

Write and read reviews, find new suppliers, manage vendor performance and more!