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Procurated helps public sector buyers make more informed buying decisions through peer reviews. It is completely free to use.
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Upcoming Supplier Webinars & Past Webinar Recordings
Procurated's Genna Gold, in conjunction with the rest of the Supplier Solutions team, has begun offering free educational webinars on a variety of topics to help suppliers improve their marketing and sales efforts while providing actionable insight into best practices for interacting with public sector buyers and decision makers. These sessions are free to join, open to all, and are designed to be collaborative spaces where your peers from across the supplier community can have open discussions about marketing and selling to state and local governments, educational institutions, and non-profits.
Upcoming Webinars:
We will open registration for upcoming webinars in our Supplier Webinar Series soon.
Past Webinar Recordings:
Using Online Reviews to Increase Sales with Yelp's Emily Washcovick and Procurated's Genna Gold
Cybersecurity for State, Local & Education Suppliers with StateRAMP's Leah McGrath
Supplier Diversity & Inclusion with Pennsylvania DGS Deputy Secretary Kerry Kirkland
Buying Local - Building a Purchasing Program That Gives Back
Cybersecurity for State, Local & Education Suppliers with StateRAMP's Leah McGrath
Supplier Diversity & Inclusion with Pennsylvania DGS Deputy Secretary Kerry Kirkland
Buying Local - Building a Purchasing Program That Gives Back
Published on Feb 14, 2023