How would you rate your overall experience with this supplier?
If you need guidance on making your overall supplier rating accurate and helpful to the community,
please reference the definitions and examples for each star rating in our guide
A few tips on review writing
Share your first-hand experience working with this supplier. The best reviews about suppliers include specific details, such as:
The product or service they were contracted for
Specific areas in which they excelled or missed the mark
How closely and for how long you have worked with them
Display my name with this review
Reviews displayed with your name and organization are the most helpful for your colleagues trying to learn about a
supplier. However, we know that there may be times when you may prefer your review to be anonymous. Therefore, on
Procurated, we give you choice in how your identity is displayed with your review. By opting out of displaying your
name, no identifying information will be shared on the review.
Make my review visible to the supplier
To protect your ability to share honest, unfiltered reviews about suppliers on Procurated, suppliers do not
have access to your individual review without your express permission. Opting to make your review visible to
the supplier helps the supplier understand and improve their performance, and may even lead to resolution of
the specific issue you cited. You can change this setting after submission.